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Best Diaper Bags of 2022

Gone are the days of leaving your house with just your keys and your phone. A diaper bag is a must-have for toting diapers and wipes, of course, but also bottles, snacks, toys, books, blankets and alllll of the other things you’ll need to take your family show on the road.

Do You Need a Diaper Bag?

Real talk: kids are unpredictable. Just when you think your child is full, minutes later they’ll want a snack. It’s practically guaranteed that your baby who always poops in the morning will have an afternoon blowout if you’re anywhere inconvenient (think: on a plane, hiking, shopping, at that nice-ish restaurant). Having key essentials at the ready means you can deal with whatever scenario arises without having to pack up and head home.

If you want to skip the diaper bag, you can definitely use a regular backpack or even a tote to cart around whatever you need. (You can even slip a diaper changing clutch—a compact changing pad that can hold a few diapers and other bare essentials—into your usual bag.) But lots of parents choose to register for a diaper bag since they’re specially designed for organizing baby + kid gear and often feature extra compartments, insulated pockets for bottles and other helpful perks.

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